Rating and liquidity consulting

Your company is not a "black box"!

Special attention has to be paid to the credit situation of a company because of “Basel II“. We are offering to take care of important asks with regard to credit rating. On the one hand it is important for our clients to have a clear view of their rating situation. On the other side it is also important o communicate your own strengths towards credit institutions for rating purporses.

The aim is to give credit institutions a positive view on the company by using a suitable creditworthiness-oriented presentation. Banks are then going to offer better conditions.

In concrete terms this results in

  • rating oriented buildup of evaluations and year end statements
  • balance figures and analyses
  • appropriate description in the management report
  • internal risk analysis and risk management

Appropriate presentation of soft facts like management or staff qualification, business planning or market situation.

Your Contact

Christoph Hillebrand



Gert Nacken

